=============== Installation =============== * **Complete GUI version** No installation required. * **Light GUI version** Required command line version SASTBX has been exist on your machine. * **command line version** No installation required. * **source code** If you want to manually compile the command line version software form source code. The installation is required. (For developers who add the new command or change the C++ code. The changes in python script can take effect immediately when executing.) -------------------------------------------- Manually compile from source code on Ubuntu -------------------------------------------- *Attention: For developers who add the new command or change the C++ code, manually compiling is necessary. For developers who only change the python script, recommend you using command version without compiling.* soure code can be downloaded on http://liulab.csrc.ac.cn/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=sastbx *In the flowing procedure, the lines that are in the block are what you will type in command line.* * **step1 Unpack the compressed SASTBX file** :: tar -xjvf source_code_ubuntu.tar.gz * **step2 Configure the environment variables** The installation procedure should be executed in another directory, so make an empty directory to execute the installation. :: cd SASTBX_PATH/ mkdir build Recommend you organize the directory like this: :: SASTBX_PATH(the directory saved source code and executed space) * build * modules *Attention :* :: SASTBX_PATH is the path where the sastbx file exit, change it to your own path *example:* :: cd /usr/test/Documents/software/sastbx/build ``usr/test/Documents/software/sastbx`` is the *SASTBX_PATH* in the example Then generate the environment variables: :: /your/choice/bin/python ../modules/libtbx/configure.py sastbx A list of files will generate in build directory Then configure the environment variables. Then make the environment variables take effect. To compiler enter: :: make If you want to use multiple CPUs, you can specify the number of CPU, for example, enter: :: make -j 4 * **step3: vertify** Type: :: sastbx.python in the command line, if you can enter the python process, the installation is success. * **step4 add the environment variable** Add one line in your ``.bashrc``. Open the ``.bashrc`` file :: vim ~/.bashrc Then add the following command it. :: source sastbx_path/build/setpaths_all.sh change the ``sastbx_path`` to the real path in you machine. To make it effective, type: :: source ~/.bashrc in the command line. -------------------------------------------- Manually building from sources on MacOS -------------------------------------------- *Attention: For developers who add the new command or change the C++ code, manually compiling is necessary. For developers who only change the python script, recommend you using command version without compiling.* soure code can be downloaded on http://liulab.csrc.ac.cn/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=sastbx *In the flowing procedure, the lines that are in the block are what you will type in command line.* * **step1 Unpack the compressed SASTBX file** :: tar -xjvf source_code_ubuntu.tar.gz * **step2 Configure the environment variables** The installation procedure should be executed in another directory, so make an empty directory to execute the installation. :: cd SASTBX_PATH/ mkdir build Recommend you organize the directory like this: :: SASTBX_PATH(the directory saved source code and executed space) * build * modules *Attention :* :: SASTBX_PATH is the path where the sastbx file exit, change it to your own path *example:* :: cd /usr/test/Documents/software/sastbx/build ``usr/test/Documents/software/sastbx`` is the *SASTBX_PATH* in the example Then generate the environment variables: :: /your/choice/bin/python ../modules/cctbx_project/libtbx/configure.py sastbx A list of files will generate in build directory Then configure the environment variables. Then make the environment variables take effect. To compiler enter: :: make If you want to use multiple CPUs, you can specify the number of CPU, for example, enter: :: make -j 4 * **step3: vertify** Type: :: sastbx.python in the command line, if you can enter the python process, the installation is success. * **step4 add the environment variable** Add one line in your ``.bash_profile``. Open the ``.bash_profile`` file :: vim ~/.bash_profile Then add the following command it. :: source sastbx_path/build/setpaths_all.sh change the ``sastbx_path`` to the real path in you machine. To make it effective, type: :: source ~/.bash_profile in the command line.