
  • Complete GUI version
    No installation required.
  • Light GUI version
    Required command line version SASTBX has been exist on your machine.
  • command line version
    No installation required.
  • source code
    If you want to manually compile the command line version software form source code. The installation is required. (For developers who add the new command or change the C++ code. The changes in python script can take effect immediately when executing.)

Manually compile from source code on Ubuntu

Attention: For developers who add the new command or change the C++ code, manually compiling is necessary. For developers who only change the python script, recommend you using command version without compiling.

soure code can be downloaded on

In the flowing procedure, the lines that are in the block are what you will type in command line.

  • step1 Unpack the compressed SASTBX file

    tar -xjvf source_code_ubuntu.tar.gz
  • step2 Configure the environment variables

The installation procedure should be executed in another directory, so make an empty directory to execute the installation.

mkdir build

Recommend you organize the directory like this:

SASTBX_PATH(the directory saved source code and executed space)
* build
* modules

Attention :


is the path where the sastbx file exit, change it to your own path


cd /usr/test/Documents/software/sastbx/build

usr/test/Documents/software/sastbx is the SASTBX_PATH in the example

Then generate the environment variables:

/your/choice/bin/python ../modules/libtbx/ sastbx

A list of files will generate in build directory Then configure the environment variables. Then make the environment variables take effect. To compiler enter:


If you want to use multiple CPUs, you can specify the number of CPU, for example, enter:

make -j 4
  • step3: vertify



in the command line, if you can enter the python process, the installation is success.

  • step4 add the environment variable

Add one line in your .bashrc.

Open the .bashrc file

vim ~/.bashrc

Then add the following command it.

source sastbx_path/build/

change the sastbx_path to the real path in you machine.

To make it effective, type:

source ~/.bashrc

in the command line.

Manually building from sources on MacOS

Attention: For developers who add the new command or change the C++ code, manually compiling is necessary. For developers who only change the python script, recommend you using command version without compiling.

soure code can be downloaded on

In the flowing procedure, the lines that are in the block are what you will type in command line.

  • step1 Unpack the compressed SASTBX file

    tar -xjvf source_code_ubuntu.tar.gz
  • step2 Configure the environment variables

The installation procedure should be executed in another directory, so make an empty directory to execute the installation.

mkdir build

Recommend you organize the directory like this:

SASTBX_PATH(the directory saved source code and executed space)
* build
* modules

Attention :


is the path where the sastbx file exit, change it to your own path


cd /usr/test/Documents/software/sastbx/build

usr/test/Documents/software/sastbx is the SASTBX_PATH in the example

Then generate the environment variables:

/your/choice/bin/python ../modules/cctbx_project/libtbx/ sastbx

A list of files will generate in build directory Then configure the environment variables. Then make the environment variables take effect. To compiler enter:


If you want to use multiple CPUs, you can specify the number of CPU, for example, enter:

make -j 4
  • step3: vertify



in the command line, if you can enter the python process, the installation is success.

  • step4 add the environment variable

Add one line in your .bash_profile.

Open the .bash_profile file

vim ~/.bash_profile

Then add the following command it.

source sastbx_path/build/

change the sastbx_path to the real path in you machine.

To make it effective, type:

source ~/.bash_profile

in the command line.